About the project
The Dakota Outfall Project is a successfully completed Public Private Partnership between D4 Urban, BMP Metropolitan District, the City and County of Denver, and the Denver Urban Renewal Authority. This project included the installation of a large regional stormwater facility, the construction and dedication of new public streets, and enhanced vehicular, pedestrian, and bike infrastructure to connect surrounding neighborhoods to existing transit. D4 Urban managed this complex project on behalf of its public agency partners—which required construction through major city arterials, tunneling under five active rail lines, project coordination through an active shopping center, property acquisitions, and significant public stakeholder engagement due to the physical impact of the construction requirements. This project was recognized with the 2015 Director’s Award from the USGBC Colorado Chapter.
Project Type
Public Private Partnership – Infrastructure
D4 Urban Role
Development Manager
Project Size
4,000 lineal feet of regional stormwater facility
Denver, Colorado